We as the east Zimbabwe conference multicultural department seek provide unique worship For people groups that may not understand local native language or culture. We seek to minister to them for the duration they are with us in the country. Multicultural ministry is the development and implementation of varied models of communicating the gospel through beliefs and behaviors that are sensitive to the needs of a culturally diverse population. The ministry creates a community that celebrates unity in diversity in Christ
The Lord Jesus came to our world to save men and women of all nationalities.
Ellen. G. White
Reflecting Christ through our daily lifestyle.
To preach Christ unto all Nations, as with our biblical mission.
Christlikeness. Respect. Culture.
To create self sufficient church member who finds refuge in the church 7 days a week by creating self help skills for the church. Nurturing members and non members by building a community center.
We Believe
department resource files
The East Zimbabwe Conference Department Director has availed these resources for church use. On this platform you will find useful files and information that relates to this department. These files and resources can be downloaded for use by church departmental directors and church Elders or any other personnel of your local churches to help ease their work in ministry.
Here you can download the department itinerary or any other availed files from the Director’s office.
Strategic Document
An overview of the vision and strategic plan of the department. Download a copy of the strategic document.
Resource Files
Download files such as presentations, manuals, programs and other resources as availed by the Director.
We believe in ministering even unto those of different cultures and race from us. We hope and trust the LORD will continue to guide us as we all serve in His ministry.
Pastor T. Machamire
Director, Multicultural & Communication