Adventist Health
We believe in a “ministry of healing” by which we can be restored to wholeness. Our concept of “whole” involves “the whole person”: spiritual, physical, mental and social — as we do not exist in isolation. We emphasise the prevention of diseases through simple lifestyle patterns that permit God’s restorative powers to work more effectively on our behalf, while in no way minimizing the effectiveness of proven therapy where disease has already occurred. As East Zimbabwe Conference Health Ministries department we promote, teach and demonstrate the Adventist Health philosophy to all our members.
The work of health reform is the Lord’s
Ellen. G. White
A healthy people for Christ.
Promoting a philosophy of wholistic health and healing.
Glorifying God in our total being, Healthful lifestyle and evidence based medical practice.
Teach and demonstrate the Adventist healthy philosophy to all members. To intergrate comprehensive health ministries in all departments and activities by 2020. As well to promote adherence to evidence based medical practices.
We Believe
Inspiration: We believe the Word of God is the very best guide to making careful and wise choices in every area of life, including those things that impact our health. We are also grateful for the amplification these Biblical principles in the writings of Ellen G. White.
Evidence: We operate under the conviction that God is the author of all true science. Therefore, we respect evidence which stands up to the rigors of careful examination and analysis according to accepted scientific principles. We believe this is vital in a world filled with misinformation and falsehood.
Balance: Even good things can be taken to excess. Therefore, we are deeply committed to balance–physical, mental, social and spiritual–in every aspect of life to support health, happiness and healing.
Relationships: Social support is essential to human existence and health. Positive relationships with family, friends, community and God play a significant role in personal health, productivity, and our ability to help others. It supports and aids healing as well.
Adventist Health
department resource files
The East Zimbabwe Conference Department Director has availed these resources for church use. On this platform you will find useful files and information that relates to this department. These files and resources can be downloaded for use by church departmental directors and church Elders or any other personnel of your local churches to help ease their work in ministry.
Here you can download the department itinerary or any other availed files from the Director’s office.
Strategic Document
An overview of the vision and strategic plan of the department. Download a copy of the strategic document.
Resource Files
Download files such as presentations, manuals, programs and other resources as availed by the Director.