Personal Ministries


Christ’s method alone will give true success in reaching the people.The Saviour mingled with men as one who desired there good .He showed His sympathy for them ,ministered to their needs, and won their confidence. Then He bade them,”Follow Me.”Christian service, p.119

With us, as with Israel of old, success in education depends on fidelity in carrying out the Creator’s plan. 

Ellen. G. White


Sabbath Schools, to be first choice learning and fellowship spiritual centres.


To create a system of local church religious education that builds faith and practice.


Love, Caring, Competency
and Bibleless.



This is a full-scale, evangelistic thrust that involves every member, every church, every administrative entity, every type of public outreach ministry, personal and institutional outreach. 


We Believe

The mission of Personal Ministries is to provide resources and train church members to unite their efforts with the ministry and church officers in the fi- nal proclamation of the gospel of sal- vation in Christ. The aim of the depart- ment is to enlist every member in ac- tive soul-winning service for God. It exists to teach and proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ in response to the command of Jesus, in the con- text of the three angels’ messages of Revelation 14:6-12. To honor this original purpose, the Personal Ministries Department continues to communicate the good news with the objective to win, hold, and train for Jesus Christ, men, women, youth, boys and girls, in all the world, and to design programs and re- sources to help those areas of the world where church growth is limited.

department resource files

The East Zimbabwe Conference Department Director has availed these resources for church use. On this platform you will find useful files and information that relates to this department. These files and resources can be downloaded for use by church departmental directors and church Elders or any other personnel of your local churches to help ease their work in ministry.         



Here you can download department itinerary or any other availed files from the Director’s office. 

Strategic Document

An overview of the vision and strategic plan of the department. Download a copy of the strategic document.

Resource Files

Download files such as presentations, manuals, programs and other resources as availed by the Director.

Personal Ministries endeavors to uphold and fulfill the mission of the church. We hope and trust the LORD will continue to guide us as we all serve in His ministry.

Pastor R Motsi

Director, Personal Ministries