Office of Treasury


The East Zimbabwe Conference treasury department, has a stewardship responsibility its
constituency, donors and the governing committee., to provide accountability for the
possession and use of the entity`s assets. The procedures for handling and safeguarding the
assets of the organisation must be in harmony with the established policies and executive
committee actions.Our key objectives include providing financial reports regarding the ways resources have been used and report the nature , amount and net change of available resources. Through partnership with other departments, the EZC treasury department provides financial strategies to influence value creation and retention for the conference.

The Lord Jesus is our efficiency in all things; His Spirit is to be our inspiration; and as we place ourselves in His hands, to be channels of light, our means of doing good will never be exhausted.

Ellen. G. White


Higher, Faster, Stronger by 2020


In harmony with the working policy and actions of the executive committees, the department will receive, safeguard and disburse organizational funds, as well as issue timely reports to officers and the executive committee.


Integrity. Unity. Accountability.
 Efficiency. Innovation. 
Communication. Emotional Intelligence.


Our strategic include Staff Welfare and Development, Corporate Governance, Financial Perfomance as well as Integrated reporting..


We Believe

We believe in being honest, upright and trustworthy.
We believe in integration, oneness and love.
We believe in being responsible, reliable and answerable in all our actions.
We believe in combined effort, effectiveness, communication and collaboration.
We believe in agility, promptness, economy, timeous execution of duties.
We believe in creativity, relevance, continuous learning and change.
We believe in telling others our concerns and challenges and listening to others concerns and challenges.

Emotional Intelligence
We believe in mental wellness for high performance.

department resource files

The East Zimbabwe Conference Treasury Department has availed these resources for church use. On this platform you will find useful files and information that relates to this department. These files and resources can be downloaded for use by church Treasurers and church Elders or any other personnel of your local churches to help ease their work in ministry.



Here you can download the department itinerary, or any other availed files from the Treasury office. 

Strategic Document

An overview of the vision and strategic plan of the department. Download a copy of the strategic document.


Download files such as presentations, manuals, programs and other resources as availed by the Treasury.

Integrity, accountability,
teamwork and efficiency are some of our key values as a department. We trust the LORD will continue to guide us as we all serve in His ministry.

Warikandwa Nyasha

Chief Finance Officer